

1988 拍摄于云南老山前线的战地摄影作品《他从硝烟中走来》获第十五届全国摄影艺术展“***军事照片奖”;
1988 In 1988, his work “He Comes out From Smoke of Gunpowder” which was created in Yunnan won Excellent Military Photo Award in the 15th National Photography Exhibition.
1989 《孪生兄弟喜相逢》获全军好新闻图片奖;
1989 In 1989, his work “Twin Brothers Meet Joyfully” won News Photo Award.
1991 《水生双胞胎》、《飞车》、《烈火金刚》等作品获《砥柱中流—全国影展》和第12届全国新闻摄影评选银、铜、优秀奖;
1991 In 1991, his works including “Twins”, “Roaring Car” and “Steel Meets Fire” won Silver, Bronze and Excellence Award in the 12th National Press Photography Review and National Photography Exhibition.
1992 《练兵》获全国首届“探索”摄影艺术大奖赛金牌奖;《脊梁》获全军影展银牌奖;
1992 In 1992, his work “Army Training” won gold award in the 1st Exploration Photography Artistic Competition, and “Backbone” won silver award in Military Photography Exhibition.
1994 《热流》获第十七届全国摄影艺术展览铜¬牌奖。《叶乔波告别冰坛》获得第五届“中国新闻奖”,***第二届“军事摄影艺术奖”;
1994 In 1994, his work “Heat Flow” won bronze award in the 17th National Photography Artistic Exhibition. “Ye Qiaobo Quit Skating” won Press Award and the 2nd Military Photography Artistic Award of People's Liberation Army.
1995 《天罗地网》获第十四届全国新闻摄影作品铜牌奖;
1995 In 1995, his work “Tight Encirclement” won bronze award among the 14th National News Photography Works.
1996 《北疆兵歌》10幅(组)系列军事摄影作品荣获第三届中国摄影艺术创作个人成就最高奖—金像奖(创作类);
1996 In 1996, 10 pictures of his work “Military Song in Northeast” won highest award – Gold Image Award (For creations) for his personal achievements in the 3rd China Photography Artistic Competition.
1997 辽宁摄影家协会举办“金像奖获得者—线云强军事摄影作品研讨会”;
1997 In 1997, Liaoning Photography Association held Seminar for Photography Works of Xian Yunqiang - Recipient of Gold Image Award.
1998 参加了松花江、嫩江抗洪抢险救灾,主办了《98松嫩长堤***》纪实摄影作品展览,并主编出版了摄影集;
1998 In 1998, he fought against flood in the Songhua River and Nen River, held documentary photography “Review of Troops in the embankment of Songhua & Nen” and published a photography collection.
In 1998, more than 10 pictures of his works, including “Mother Love” and “General’s Private Plane Saves Flood Victims” won gold, silver and bronze prize in Flood-Fighting Photography Exhibition.
In 1998, he was honored excellent member for his Excellence in Both Artistic Skills and Moral Integrity in the 1st China Photographer Association.
2000-2013 From 2000 to 2013, he created photography work with the theme of “Xian Yunqiang Overviews the Northeast”.
He published “Overview Benxi”, “Big City - Tieling”, “Overview Shenyang in the Sky”, “Shenyang International Horticultural Exposition-Overview, Garden Architecture and Plants” and “Impression of Shenyang”, etc.
2000—2013 乘直升飞机航拍《大象无形—线云强俯瞰东北》专题;
2003 “航拍中国东北”专题,应邀参加中国平遥国际摄影大展;
2003 In 2003, his works with theme of China Northeast was invited to China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition.
2004 《北疆兵歌》军事摄影专题,应邀参加第六届中国摄影艺术节展览;
2004 In 2004, his work “Military Song in Northeast” was invited to the 6th China Photography Artistic Festival Exhibition.
2006 应美国传媒摄影学会邀请,作为中国摄影家协会代表团成员访问美国;
2006 In 2006, he was invited by USA Media Photography Association to visit USA as representative of China Photographer Association.
In commemorative activity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of China Photographer Association in 2006, he was honored as the photographer to make outstanding contributions to China photography career since the establishment of China.
2007 《壮志驱寒》在纪念******全军影展中,获“第五届军事摄影艺术奖”;《虎啸雪野》入选第22届全国摄影艺术大展;
2007 In 2007, his work “Fend off the Cold with Strong Spirit” won Military Photography Artistic Award in the 5th Military Photography Exhibition which aims to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of Chinese People's Liberation Army.
In 2007, his work “Tiger Roars in Snow Field” was selected by the 22nd National Photography Artistic Exhibition.
In 2007, he won highest award – Gold Image Award (For books) for his personal achievement in the 7th China Photography Artistic Competition.
In 2007, “Comrade-in-arms - 20-year Military Photography” won Excellent Photographer and Excellent Works Award in China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, Phoenix TV Cup.
In 2007, the 87th issue of China Photography Press published his military photography work “Comrade-in-arms”
In 2007, China Photography published his military photography work “Xian Yunqiang and His Comrades-in-arms”.
2009 航拍系列摄影作品《天下》荣获第八届中国摄影艺术创作个人成就最高奖—金像奖(创作类);
中国摄影报第85期第8版 刊登线云强“天下”航拍东北作品;
2009 In 2009, his work “World” won the highest award – Gold Image Award (For creations) for his personal achievements in the 8th China Photography Artistic Exhibition.
In 2009, his work “World” was published on the 8th page in the 85th issue of Chinese Photography Press.
In 2009, he attended Landscape • In-position viewing: China Contemporary Photo Essay Exhibition held by Central Academy of Fine Arts with his aerial photography “World”.
2010 航拍系列摄影作品《天下》参加由“香港摄影文化协会”举办香港摄影节《四度空间——两岸四地当代摄影展》;
2010 In 2010, he attended Four-dimensional Space: the Cross Straits Four Places Contemporary Photograph Exhibition in Hong Kong Photography Festival held by Hong Kong Photographic & Culture Association with his aerial photography “World”.
2011 享受****** “政府特殊津贴”;
2011 In 2011, China State Council granted him “Special Government Allowance”.
In 2011, Culture and Art Publishing House published “Why Do They Choose Photography” in which Xian Yunqiang talked about military photography.
2012 著作《印象沈阳》在中国新闻文化促进会、中国新闻出版研究院举办的“首届华文出版物艺术设计大赛中荣获优秀奖”;
2012 个人军事摄影作品展览《军人》在中国凤凰国际摄影双年展中,荣获全场大奖——金凤凰展览奖;
2012 In 2012, his work “Impressions of Shenyang” won excellence award in the 1st Huawen Publication Artistic Designing Competition jointly held by China Media Culture Promotion Association and Research Institute of China Press and Publication News.
In 2012, his military photography work “Soldier” won Golden Phoenix Prize in China Phoenix International Photography Biennale Exhibition.
2013 航拍系列摄影作品《天下》参加由辽宁省摄影家协会主办的“中国沈阳•(铁西)工业摄影展”;
2013 In 2013, he attended Shenyang (Tiexi) Industrial Photography Exhibition held by Liaoning Photographer Association with his aerial photography “World”.
In 2013, he attended 1st Beijing Biennale International Photography Exhibition jointly held by CAFA Art Museum and China Millennium Monument with his aerial photography “World”.
In 2013, he attended 2013 Lianzhou Annual International Photography Exhibition held by Guangdong Cultural Affairs and Lianzhou Civil Government with his military photography work “March”.
2014 参加“联合行动2014-E”军事演习。拍摄专题《演兵场上》;
2014 He attended “Joint Action 2014-E” military exercise and created photography work “Drilling Ground” in 2014.
He went to New York with Chinese Culture Union and studied in Visual Arts Training Class for curators in Sept., 2014.